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Membership fees

The size of your membership fee depends on your current situation. Read all about the different types of membership fees, offered by Konstruktørforeningen and 'Konstruktørforeningen's unemployment insurance fund – a part of FTFa'.

A membership of Konstruktørforeningen (KF) and 'Konstruktørforeningen's unemployment insurance fund – part of FTFa', is one of the cheapest solutions you can choose, when you want a professional organization that takes care of your interests both politically, professionally, and educationally.

Depending on your situation, KF and KF's unemployment insurance fund FTFa offers a membership fee that suits your situation. You pay both type of fees once in a quarter. See below how much a membership costs per month.

Price per month for Konstruktørforeningen

As per January 1st 2025:

  • Student: Free
  • Graduate: DKK 100 (Lump sum for the rest of the quarter you are graduating in. The first full membership fee for winter graduates is 1 April – for summer graduates it is 1st October)
  • Regular membership: DKK 429 per month
  • Self-employed: DKK 429 per month
  • Unemployed: DKK 136 per month (You must apply for a reduced membership fee yourself, if you become unemployed)
  • Associate member: DKK 136 per month
  • Senior member: DKK 136 per month
  • Unemployed without the right to unemployment benefits: Free (You must apply for a free membership fee yourself, if you become unemployed without the right to unemployment benefits)
  • Pensioner: DKK 100 per month.



Price per month for ‘Konstruktørforeningen's unemployment insurance fund – a part of FTFa’

As per January 1st 2025:

Membership fees, not including early retirement contributions

  • Full-time: 503 DKK/mo.
  • Part-time: 372 DKK/mo.
  • Students : Free

Membership fees, including early retirement contributions

  • Full-time: 1.071 DKK/mo.
  • Part-time: 751 DKK/mo.

Receiving early retirement pay

  • Full-time: 568 DKK/mo.
  • Part-time: 379 DKK/mo.

Read more about the various types of benefits in our FAQ about benefits.

  • The membership fee is tax deductible

    You can deduct membership fees up to DKK 6,000 in tax per year. If you are a member in both organizations (KF and FTFa), they both report your fee payments to SKAT (The Danish Customs and Tax Administration), and it should therefore appear in your preliminary income assessment and your final tax assessment notice.

    However, it is your own responsibility to ensure that you receive a deduction for the membership fee.

  • Membership for students

    While you are studying, you can join Konstruktørforeningen for free, and obtain all the benefits coming along with the membership, such as cheap insurance, professional network, events, counselling and legal advice about the Danish working market.

    You can also obtain a free membership of 'Konstruktørforeningen’s unemployment insurance fund – a part of FTFa'.

    Read more on Ftfa.dk.

  • Konstruktørforeningen for graduates

    When you graduate as a bachelor in architectural technology and construction management, you will have to start paying for your membership.

    In the transition period from the free students membership, KF offers a reduced membership fee of DKK 100 for the rest of the quarter, in which you graduate.

    Hereafter, you will need to pay a full membership fee. If you are unemployed after the period for graduates, you can apply for a reduced membership fee for unemployed members.

    Since KF necessarily does not know your employment status, you must apply for it yourself. Apply here (in Danish) or call us if you need help to fill out the form.

  • Membership for self-employed

    You can easily be a member of Konstruktørforeningen (KF) if you are self-employed, and either have no employees, or only employees who are not architectural technologists and construction managers.

    However, KF does not provide any counselling in relation to your role as an employer, if you have employees. Furthermore, you must document that you hire employees on terms in a collective agreement that is relevant to the employees' professional area.

    If you hire an architectural technologist and construction manager, you must inform KF. In that case, you cannot continue as a regular member.

    Instead, your membership can be changed to an associated membership without the right to counselling, but with the opportunity to maintain the professional affiliation with KF.

    This applies regardless of whether the employee is a member of KF or not. The reason is that, KF cannot represent both you and the employee in a potential conflict.

    Read more about the associated membership in KF further down the page.

    You can also stay as a member in KF's unimployment fund, if you choose to become self-employed.

  • Membership for unemployed

    If you are unemployed, you can pay a lower membership fee to Konstruktørforeningen (KF), but you must apply for it yourself. It does not happen automatically and cannot happen retroactively.

    Fill out the form (in Danish) and apply for a reduced membership fee. Call us if you need help filling out the application form: Nedsat Kontingent (mitkf.dk).

  • Konstruktørforeningen for seniors

    Konstruktørforeningen also offers a reduced membership fee for seniors who continue to work after reaching retirement age.

  • Associated membership of Konstruktørforeningen

    If you travel abroad, try another industry or are self-employed with employees, who are architectural technologist and construction managers, you can become an associate member, if you want to maintain your affiliation with KF.

    The associate membership does not include access to KF's legal counselling or the right to vote at the general assemblance. Furthermore, you can only participate in KF's events, if the regular members do not occupy them.

    As an associate member, you can keep using the benefits you gain access to through your membership as cheap insurance with RUNA Forsikring, a favorable bank account with Lån & Spar and discounts on courses – and you can continue to use the MAK title (Membership of Konstruktørforeningen-title).

  • Membership if you have lost the right to unemployment benefits

    If you have lost the right to unemployment benefits, you can stay a member of Konstruktørforeningen (KF) for free. You will in such case still retain access to all the benefits of being a member, such as getting help with your CV, applications, and contracts. Furthermore, you can also join events, networks and get coaching.

    To obtain this type of membership, you must apply by email to KF and document that you receive a benefit corresponding to cash benefits ('kontanthjælp') or lower. Documentation can, for example, be a copy of the cash benefit payment or other similar documentation.

    In addition, you must send documentation to KF for each month, you are registered as 'unemployed without the right to unemployment benefits'.

    Apply for a free membership fee by sending an email to kf@kf.dk.

  • Sign up for a payment agreement and save DKK 85 per month

    Konstruktørforeningen charges DKK 35 and ‘Konstruktørforeningen's unemployment insurance fund’ charges DKK 50 to pay your membership fee via a giro card.

    If you create a payment agreement with Betalingsservice – which you can do online via your bank – you can save DKK 85 per quarter if you are a member of both the union and the unemployment insurance fund.

Join as a member

Read about why you should join as a member, and how you do it.

Join Konstruktørforeningen as a member
More information

Questions and answers about benefits

Read our FAQ about unemplyment benefits, maternity benefits, early retirement benefits, and more. 

Want to know more about benefits?