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  • Implementation of BIM and sustainability in smaller architectural firms

    This 7th semester bachelor thesis is written by Julie-Katrine Scheel Meyer from UCN: 

    Building information modeling (BIM) has become an increasingly more popular and common practice in the architectural, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry.

    It has gained its popularity because of its ability to improve collaboration and efficiency during the planning, building process and operation and maintenance, as well as in the quality of the end-product, economical savings, reduction in errors and time savings. However, BIM can be costly and time consuming to implement, especially for the smaller architectural firms that has limited resources available, and where it could be very damaging for them to take such a risk. This research aims to provide a framework for scaling down BIM, and investigate what it would take to handle such an implementation efficiently and successfully for the smaller architectural firms.

    Read the thesis here.

  • Afgangsprojekt: Hjælp til entreprenører med at sikre kvaliteten af bærende konstruktioner

    Vinder af Konstruktørernes Dimittendpris 2023 Tobias Faurholt har lavet et afgangsprojekt, der vejleder entreprenører og håndværkere i at udføre den lovpligtige kontrol af bærende konstruktioner ifølge standarden ’DS 1140 – Udførelse af bærende konstruktioner – Almen kontrol’,

    Du kan finde nogle af hans guides og vejledninger til ’DS 1140’ i den nederste boks.

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